Soft Lenses: As the name suggests, they have a smooth surface and are made up of sophisticated polymers with about 65.70% water and very comfortable for wearing. These are available for astigmatism as Soft-Toric contact lenses.
Hard Lenses: Those are made up of a material called PMMA. They are used in special situation.
RGP Lenses: They are Rigid Gas Permeable lenses. They look like hard lenses but are made of material that allow oxygen to go from tear film to cornea for its nourishment.
Rose K2 Lenses: These are specially designed lenses to correct the high astigmatism present in patients with ‘Keratoconus’, a condition where the cornea becomes cone shaped. These lenses are customized, multi-curved made according to corneal shape and sometimes only option for Keratoconus eye.
- Having frequent eye infections.
- Having severe allergies.
- Resistant to dry eye treatment.
- Working in dusty environment.
- Not able to handle and take care of contact lenses.
- Avoid during swimming or having saunas.
- Discontinue lens wear if you experience persistent discomfort, redness or blurred vision and consult your contact lens consultant.

- Hold up the lens against the light and check if it is right side up and that there is no dust or deposit on lens.
- Hold up the lens against the light and check if it is right side up and that there is no dust or deposit on lens.
- Bend the head down so that the eye will be fixed straight down and looking at the working surface (Table surface).
- Keep both eyes open all the time during insertion.
- Place the left middle finger at the margin of the upper right eye lid, grasp the lashes and pull the lid up. This should be done in such a way that the lens will not touch the lashes during the insertion.
- Place the right middle finger at the margin of the lower lid and pull it down.
- Slowly bring the right forefinger with the lens towards the cornea look straight through the lens so that the lens can be seen as the blurred circle. It is important to keep the eye straight.
- Gently place the lens on the cornea and release the lower lid first and then upper lid slowly. Now, Straight the head, look down and blink several times.
- Repeat the same procedure for the left eye.
- Pull the lower lid down with the middle finger.
- Place the index finger on the edge of lens, and slide the lens down to the white of your eye.
- Squeeze the lens lightly between your index finger and thumb and remove gently. Repeat it for the other eye.
When exploring options for vision correction, contact lenses stand out as a compelling choice for many practical reasons, some of which are highlighted below:
- Contact lenses move with your eye, allow a natural field of view and have no frames to obstruct your vision.
- They do not fog up, like glasses, nor do they get splattered by mud or rain.
- Feel comfortable during activities.
- Contact lenses, compared to eyeglasses, generally offer better sight.
Prioritize your eye health—schedule your appointment at the best eye hospital in Chandigarh for the care your eyes deserve!