Chandigarh's renowned retina specialist Dr. Mangat Ram Dogra, currently working as the Director of Retina Services at Grewal Eye Institute, has been honoured with the prestigious Dr. Badrinath Oration at the 32nd Conference of Vitro-retinal Society of India (VRSI) 2023
Dated: 1st December, 2023
Renowned Oculoplastic Surgeon Dr. Aditi Mehta Grewal, MD, FICO (UK), FAICO, from Grewal Eye Institute recently showcased her expertise at two prestigious international conferences in the US.
Renowned Oculoplastic Surgeon Dr. Aditi Mehta Grewal, MD, FICO (UK), FAICO, from Grewal Eye Institute recently showcased her expertise at two prestigious international conferences in the US.
Dated: 15th November, 2023
An awareness programme to enlighten the public about the impact of diabetes on vision, leading to partial or total blindness, was organised by Grewal Eye Institute on World Diabetes Day.
An awareness programme to enlighten the public about the impact of diabetes on vision, leading to partial or total blindness, was organised by Grewal Eye Institute on World Diabetes Day.